Sunday, September 16, 2012

Europe getting a Lightning-to-Micro USB adapter

Europe getting a Lightning-to-Micro USB adapter

If you've been watching the European Union at all over the past two years or so, you may have noticed way back in December 2010 when CENELEC (the European Committee for Elecrotechnical Standardization) and ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) both declared their intentions for Micro USB to be standardized charging connector for mobile devices sold in the bounds of the EU. By and large most manufacturers have abided by that, though they've more gone for Micro USB out of convenience's sake. Save on consistent and obvious hold-out: Apple and their 30-pin connector.

Now that the 30-pin connector has gone the way of the dodo, the new 8-pin Lightning connector is going to be the standard for Apple mobile devices for several years. For reference's sake, the 30-pin connector had a long life of nine years.

But what of CENELEC, ETSI, and other acronyms? Apple in Europe has a typically Apple-for-Europe solution: a Lightning-to-Micro USB adapter. It's certainly the smaller of the Lightning adapters made available, and it merely has the male end of the Lightning connector on one end, ready to plug into your iPhone 5, new iPod Touch, or new iPod Nano, and a female Micro USB port on the other, ready to accept your Micro USB cable for your charging and syncing needs.

As the owner of multiple devices, it's the kind of thing I wish Apple would sell world-wide. Practically everything else I own charges off of Micro USB, and the drawers of my house are littered with compatible cables and chargers. The little £15.00 adapter might be a tad on the expensive side, but I'd rather throw that in my go bag over yet another cable. Alas, the Micro USB adapter appears to be a Europe-only offering, there exclusively to satisfy the "must have a Micro USB port or an available adapter" demands of Europe's standards agencies.




Saturday, September 15, 2012

Android Climbs Into Cloud-Based Desktop Computer

Motorola Mobility has introduced a desktop all-in-one computer running the Android operating system. The Cloud Broadband is being launched in China in partnership with WASU Digital Group. The device is being touted to Chinese consumers as a combination of an HD digital TV with live and on-demand capability, and a touchscreen tablet/PC running Android, according to the Google Translate version of the Chinese text on the product's Chinese launch page.



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Gargantuan SQL injection infects 3.8 million URLs, installs rogue antivirus

LizaMoon SQL injection rogue AV
Over the last few days, a mass SQL injection attack has been quickly gathering speed. Just three days ago only 28,000 URLs were affected, but at the time of writing, there could be up to 3.8 million infected URLs.

has a complete write up the attack, dubbed 'LizaMoon,' but here's the basic gist: it looks like someone is exploiting a vulnerabilty (or vulnerabilities) in hundreds of thousands of websites running on Microsoft SQL Server 2003 and 2005. It's not yet known whether this is a vulnerability in SQL Server, or simply a case of outdated, unmaintained, and easily-exploitable CMSes.

The attack takes the form of an SQL injection, which then inserts a link to a JavaScript file hosted on the attacker's server. This is repeated over and over until every Web page in the SQL database has been infected -- and considering 3.8 million URLs have been infected, you can see that this is a very easy, and automated, attack.

Fortunately, the JavaScript isn't particularly malicious: it pops up a rogue AV program called Windows Stability Center, but that's it. Better yet, the rogue antivirus is already recognized by a bunch of real antivirus suites, including Avast, Panda and Microsoft Security Essentials.

The real problem with SQL injection attacks is that there's nothing we surfers can do about them. There will always be old and unmaintained websites, and thus SQL injections will remain one of the easiest and most lucrative tools of hackers and spammers alike. All you can do is keep your antivirus and anti-malware software up to date, and pray.

Gargantuan SQL injection infects 3.8 million URLs, installs rogue antivirus originally appeared on Download Squad on Fri, 01 Apr 2011 05:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Pastebin updated to V3, releases Windows app

Pastebin is a very popular website aimed at coders and other nerdy types, which allows them (or should I say, us) to paste and share snippets of code with lovely syntax highlighting.

It has recently undergone a major overhaul which includes the release of a brand new Windows client. The new client lets you create new "pastes" and manage your existing ones. It joins a host of other tools from Pastebin, such as the Google and Chrome extensions, OS X widget and the mobile apps.

If you're currently using Pastebin, the new client is a great addition. And if you haven't tried it before, next time you have a piece of code you want to share or get some feedback on, you could do worse than try out Pastebin.

[Thanks, Jeroen!]

Pastebin updated to V3, releases Windows app originally appeared on Download Squad on Fri, 04 Mar 2011 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

Boomshine is a soothing-yet-frustrating time waster

One click; just one single well-aimed click. That's all you get in Boomshine.

That single click triggers a chain reaction; circles start exploding, and other circles colliding with the shockwaves explode as well, creating their own shockwaves, which then catch other circles.

It's been done before, yes, but this one is a great iteration. The soundtrack is mellow, with lots of piano and some nice percussion (not electronic - it sounds like drums).

At each level you need to make a certain number of circles explode to go on to the next level. I got up to level 12, where you get 60 circles and need to make 55 of them explode. And then I kept trying and trying, but simply couldn't get it. I did get to 54 circles a couple of times, but as they say, you don't get points for trying.

There's no time limit, so you can carefully study the pattern of motion and place your click at the exact right place to create the best chain reaction. I've found that clicking near the middle of the screen works quite well, especially if the balls are slowly moving in that direction. By the time the first shockwave dies off, the oncoming balls usually hit it and the chain reaction continues.

What level did you reach? Screenshots please!

Boomshine is a soothing-yet-frustrating time waster originally appeared on Download Squad on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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iPhone 5 Lightning Adapter Could Be Bad News for High-End Docks

The new adapter might not be enough for fancier docks on the market. Photo: Apple

After nearly a decade of connecting iPods, iPhones and iPads to computers and third-party docks, the 30-pin was replaced Wednesday by the more stylishly named Lightning connector. Now, hardware vendors are scrambling to bring new devices to market with Lightning support while consumers are concerned that their collected docks are now obsolete.

The 30-pin-to-Lightning evolution will delight hardware vendors as they gear up to sell new devices for the holiday season. But it could annoy consumers who are rightly unsure if their old 30-pin iPhone alarm clocks will work with the new iPhone, even with $30 Lightning adapters.

The core issue is the lack of iPod-out support on the Lightning adapters. Kyle Wiens of iFixit told Wired that he believes docks that rely on the iPod-out protocol to display track information are at the highest risk. “My gut feeling: the most expensive accessories will be the ones that won’t work,” he said.

Fortunately, when it comes to simply playing music, everyone seems to be safe, since the adapter supports analog audio out. (The built-in digital-to-analog converter is probably a big reason behind the hefty price tag.) Most docks support USB digital audio and the analog audio protocol, so the new iPhone 5 with an adapter will be able to pump out the Skrillex jams even on older speaker docks.

Griffin Technology President Mark Rowan told Wired that most of its products already use the USB digital audio protocol. Ezra S. Ashkenazi, President & CEO of iHome said via e-mail that, “Apple’s Lightning to 30-pin adapter will ensure audio and charging compatibility with our current docking accessories.”

One company that hasn’t had to worry about the hardware change is Logitech. It’s moved away from physical dock connections and now focuses on AirPlay and Bluetooth audio streaming. “We’ve really been focusing on wireless audio,” said Rory Dooley, senior vice president of music for Logitech. “That’s the key play for us in the music space.”

Logitech’s approach not only protects the company and its customers from hardware changes like the new Lightning connection, it also means Logitech products appeal to consumers with non-Apple smartphones. “It just makes sense,” Dooley said. “You’re not experiencing this problem with hardware changes where you have incompatibilities. And you become more hardware agnostic to the entire ecosystem.”

Ashkenazi says iHome is aiming for first quarter of 2013 to have docks with the new connection in stores. And Rowan is holding out hope for something even sooner. ”I would expect you’ll see some stuff coming out this holiday season,” he said.

If history repeats itself, you should be able to squeeze a good 10 years out of those.



Woz on the Apple v Samsung patent fights: 'I hate it'

Woz and friends

Bloomberg has posted a short interview with Apple co-founder and everyone's favorite geek Steve Wozniak, and part of it spoke about the ongoing legal battles between Apple and Samsung. Woz, who is a tech fan in general and has went on record praising Android, doesn't seem to like the direction his old employer is heading.

“I hate it,” Wozniak said when asked about the patent fights between Apple and Samsung. “I don’t think the decision of California will hold. And I don’t agree with it -- very small things I don’t really call that innovative.

“I wish everybody would just agree to exchange all the patents and everybody can build the best forms they want to use everybody’s technologies.”

He also spoke about the updated camera in the new iPhone 5, which he hopes has improved because his friends tell him that his Galaxy S3 (Galaxy S III) and Motorola RAZR takes better pictures than his iPhone 4 does. We have to wonder why he is using an old iPhone, but agree that the Galaxy S3 can take some awful nice pictures.

Maybe Woz is a bit idealistic, but it helps us remember that not everyone wants thermonuclear patent war.

Source: Bloomberg



Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thousands of iPad Apps Is that All it Has to Offer?

The mad rush to get hold of an iPad certainly led a lot of people to believe that this nifty little gadget would put a smart phone to shame. The fact that users would be able to get thousands of apps on their iPad might have had something to do with craze and Apple did make it one of the selling points about the device.

Apple marketed the iPad as having specifically designed apps and that these ranged from leisure and educational ones right through to business applications that the average person would not be able to live without. Currently there are more apps being developed for the iPad which could mean there will be one for just about everything imaginable.

The iPad is loaded with apps, thousands of them and although some of these may appear to be useless at first, they are however available on the device should you ever need to use them. Some of the apps are really high tech but then the option is there for those who might know how to use them.

With this said there are lots of very useful ones too and this includes Epicurious which is a comprehensive cookbook that’s indexed for easy use. Simply by using one ingredient as a keyword search brings up recipes with that ingredient in them and then you can narrow the search by adding another keyword. With other lifestyle apps like Grocery iQ, these are fun to use and very useful to have at your fingertips.

When it comes to gaming and entertainment, there is a wide choice of things to choose from which includes high speed racing to more scholarly apps. Gaming is a great experience on the iPad because of it’s great display and ultra fast processor as well as it’s multi-orientation screen. This allows users to flip the tablet to whichever position the like best whether it’s portrait or landscape.

On an educational note there is Scrabble and Soduko which are extremely popular game puzzles that have been integrated into the iPad apps. But there are plenty more of them including Labyrinth, Monkey Flight, Traffic Rush to name but a few.

If you are a racing fan then the iPad apps available will get your head spinning. There’s Real Racing 2 HD, Asphalt 5 HD, F1 2011 GAME, Fastlane Street Racing Lite and many, many more. The total amount at the present time is around one hundred racing games which should keep anyone busy for a while.

There is even more choice when it comes to adding apps to an iPad. All you have to do is visit Apple’s App Store where there are thousands to choose from which means you are bound to find one or two that catch your eye.



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

iPhone 5 will be available at Bell, TELUS, Rogers, Fido, Koodo and Virgin Mobile in Canada

iPhone 5

For Canadians looking to get their hands on a new iPhone 5, there will be no shortage of carriers to choose from. Along with the big three, a lot of their subsidiary providers will be on board as well for the launch.

Bell, TELUS, Rogers, Fido, Koodo and Virgin Mobile in Canada will be kicking off their preorder events starting on September 14th with the iPhone 5 officially shipping on September 21st. When it comes to pricing, the iPhone 5 will take over the previous generations iPhone 4S price points, assuming you're not making use of any special upgrade offers from the carriers:

  • $199 for 16GB
  • $299 for 32GB
  • $399 for 64GB

If you're looking to go unlocked directly from Apple, you'll need to pay out a quite a bit more. $699 for the 16GB, $799 for the 32GB and $899 for the 64GB respectively. It's also important to note that there could be other carriers lined up as well, as the above listed are the ones offering LTE.

The iPhone 5 destined for Canada is actually the A1428 model meaning it will work on other carriers who but it not have LTE available to it unless they LTE service and offer the band used by the iPhone 5.

Rogers customers will be able to use the Rogers reservation system to get their hands on the iPhone 5 while Bell customers will be able to order online and in-stores. TELUS at this time hasn't laid out their plans as of yet, but that info should be along shortly and we'll update accordingly.



Here's the One Thing I Want to See at Apple's iPhone 5 Event (Spoiler: A Steve Jobs Hologram) [Video]

Too bad Digital Domain, the company who made the Tupac hologram, is going bankrupt because seeing a Steve Jobs hologram at tomorrow's iPhone 5 event would be the best One More Thing... ever. Seriously, just watch this humorous video to see what a rapping Steve Jobs hologram would look like. More »



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Review: Amazon Kindle Fire HD, 7-Inch Version

Amazon’s new 7-inch Kindle Fire HD. What a difference ten months makes. Photo by Ariel Zambelich/Wired

When the Kindle Fire first arrived last September, it was in a class all its own. There were plenty of other 7-inch tablets running Android, but none of them were as successful. Sure, Amazon’s tablet did most of the same things as competing offerings. Some of those things it did ably, some it did sloppily — but it did them all for $200, less than half the price of the cheapest iPad.

It turns out “cheap” was quite the trump card, and despite its many quirks, the Fire was a huge smash. But things are different now, and other manufacturers have come out with devices that hit (or come close to) that magic price point. Most notably, there’s Google’s own Nexus 7, a consumer favorite that’s set new expectations for how a $200 tablet should look and perform.

Competitive pressure is usually a good thing, and after using the newly updated 7-inch version of the Kindle Fire HD for close to a week, I can say that the changes Amazon has made in order to stay at the head of the budget tablet pack have produced a machine that’s just plain better all around.



Watch This Guy Build His Cat the Most Awesome Cat Clinging-Structure Ever [Video]

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